
Monday, 25 November 2013

    MY PERFORMANCE AT PBS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I am pleased with my performance because I was loud enough for people to hear me. I am pleased with our class performance because I know they tried there best. I think I need to work on not being shy and try my best in my performance. Our class can be better than last night by having lots of energy and loud voices and big and better actions. I need to remember to behave and to not to scream at your performance when you have done your performance. This is my reflection from last nights performance because we tried our best in our performance,and hopefully we can do better tonight with more energy and loud voices and big actions.I am pleased with my performance because I was loud enough for people to hear me. I am pleased with our class performance because I know they tried there best. I think I need to work on not being shy and try my best in my performance. Our class can be better than last night by having lots of energy and loud voices and big and better actions. I need to remember to behave and not to scream at your performance when you have done your performance.

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